
Since 2008, the Grammy Award-winning team at PARMA has created innovative, compelling, superior quality multimedia content for artists, agencies, producers, and publishers across the globe. We’ve produced audio and video products for best-selling talent, websites for businesses and arts organizations, live streams for concert venues, and social media marketing campaigns and content for special projects. We can do all that and more for you, too.

Looking for a nimble, forward-thinking agency, with inspired ideas and precision-driven execution which has been battle-tested both in the deepest trenches and at the top of the charts? We don’t miss a beat.

Meet the Team

Bob Lord
Bob LordCEO
Janet Giovanniello
Janet GiovannielloCFO
Jeff LeRoy
Jeff LeRoyVice President, Strategic Services
Brett Picknell
Brett PicknellVice President, Design and Marketing
Jan Košulič
Jan KošuličVice President of Production
Tim Finley
Tim FinleyStaff Accountant
Ryan Harrison
Ryan HarrisonArt Director
Edward Fleming
Edward FlemingSenior Graphic Designer
Morgan Hauber
Morgan HauberGraphic Designer
Kayla Day
Kayla DayWeb Director
Chris Talbot
Chris TalbotWeb Assistant
Lucas Paquette
Lucas PaquetteAudio Director
Brad Michel
Brad MichelSenior Producer, North America

Let’s Work

Reach out and let’s talk about what you need. We’d love to hear from you.